As the US economy improves, more and more people are looking for alternative investments. With stocks trading at record highs, many investors are seeking out other investment opportunities.
One of the wonders of the note business is the ability to invest in notes with little or no cash of your own using the partial or tail-end structure.
NoteUnlimited is a software that can analyze and manage the investment performance of Notes or REO against multiple exit strategies like Purchase/Resale, Foreclose/Wholesale, Foreclose/Rental & Partial Sale — prior to committing to a purchase.
We developed NoteUnlimited™ to quickly and easily do that work for you – and deliver the vital info you need to facilitate your due diligence, simplify your note management, and illuminate your note investment choices.
As a provider of software solutions for the alternative investment sector, NoteUnlimited offers a product suite thoroughly covering all alternative investment asset classes, investor types,…
The most important tool any note investor should have is Note Investing software.
Do-it-yourself investing isn’t for everybody. One mistake could mean the difference between retiring in comfort and living with the anxiety that you may outlive your money.
Private equity organizations need to maximize the time spent on generating higher investment returns and minimizing portfolio risks – not on reporting and other administrative tasks.
Independence is to spread love and destroy hatred; to prosper and grow; to be responsible.
If you are new to Note Investing, it is a struggle to learn all the math and due diligence manually.